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Feeling anxious is a perfectly natural reaction to a variety of situations and something that most people experience at different times throughout their lives. Children might exhibit anxious behaviours but might not be able to identify the feeling. The links below look at strategies to help them talk about their concerns and give tips on how to help them cope:


Supporting Your Child with Anxiety


The South West London Children’s wellbeing service have produced a series of useful videos for parents about managing your child’s anxiety and improving sleep patterns.  Please see the links below if you think these would be helpful to you.


This video is aimed at the parents and caregivers of children up to the age of about 12 or 13. The webinar looks at how anxiety or worry may present in children and the ways in which parents can support their child to cope. 30mins

Supporting Your Child With Anxiety - YouTube

Parent Group Referral Form

Supporting Your Child with Sleep – Parts 1 – 3

3 short videos (Parts 1 – 3) for parents of primary aged children. Part 1 is all about establishing good habits; Part 2 is about how to set up a good sleep routine; Part 3 is about how to tackle common difficulties (e.g. co-sleeping; night waking).

Improving Your Child's Sleep - Part 1 / 4 - YouTube

Improving Your Child's Sleep - Part 2 / 4 - YouTube
