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Honeywell Schools

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Governing Body Structure

The day to day running of each school is managed by the head teachers, and the strategic direction is overseen by the governing body. Governors can be parents, ex parents, members of the local community and are joined by the head teachers, elected staff and other members of staff depending on the meeting agenda.


Full Governing Body

This is a collaboration of the two schools' governing bodies, which delegates to three committees meeting 1-2 times each term. Committees focus on specific areas of the schools' strategic plans. The Full Governing Body has appointed several link governors who work in greater depth in an area (usually serving on a related committee) and provide an additional layer of challenge. Each committee is responsible for overseeing policies relevant to their area of responsibility.

Chair: Emma Healey





Reviews the teaching and learning in the schools and monitors the results and progress of pupils. Engages with subject leaders to monitor curriculum. Reviews sports premium and pupil premium strategy.

Chair: Alice Prosser




Monitors the financial wellbeing of the schools, the maintenance and development of the premises, including Health & Safety. Also monitors staffing levels, recruitment, staff wellbeing, oversees staff appraisal process including headteacher performance. Oversees parent/carer survey, and Governor recruitment, training & administration.

Chair: Rebecca Horgan




Monitors pupil welfare as the highest priority. Oversees pupil attendance data, safeguarding, equality and inclusion, behaviour and discipline.

Chair: Tim Carlton Jones



Our Link Governors and areas of responsibility are:

Environmental Sustainability: Sarah Richardson

Equality, Diversity & Inclusion: Anna Grimstone

EYFS: Nathalie Jackson

Financial Benchmarking: Ainsley Chrishan

Pupil Premium: Katie Price

Safeguarding & CLA: Tim Carlton Jones

SEND: Sarah Hall

Sports: Daniel Forde

Staff: Gail Jermyn


