Infant School Admissions
There are 3 Reception classes at Honeywell with 30 children in each class. Admission to the Reception year takes place in the September following a child’s 4th birthday.
Applications must be made through the borough in which you live. For families who live in Wandsworth, please visit their Schools and Admissions section for more information about the application process.
For families who do not live in Wandsworth, please visit the primary school admission section on your local authority's website.
Please see below for the current admission arrangements for Reception.
We do admit children throughout the school year when a place arises. Families living in Wandsworth who wish to transfer their child/ren to Honeywell Infant school during the school year should visit the Wandsworth website for more information on the process.
Families living outside of Wandsworth should visit their home borough’s website for information.
Please see below for our current in-year admissions arrangements.
If your child is not offered a place in Reception at Honeywell Infant School, you have a right to appeal the decision. Please see below for further information.