Meet the Committee
The Parent Teachers and Friends Association (PTFA) Committee consists of two co-Chairs, a Treasurer, Secretary and class fundraiser leads, all nominated trustees of the charity. The Committee meets on a regular basis, every Tuesday morning after drop off in the school staff room during the school term.
The Committee members for 2022-2023 are:
Andrea Vecchi - Co-Chair
Anthony Hackin - Co-Chair
Position not filled - Secretary
Patrick Doig - Co-Treasurer
Justin Kulpa - Co-Treasurer
Olesia Jezova Guefif - Infant School Class Fundraisers Lead
Brittney Provino - Junior School Class Fundraisers Lead
Janusz Twardziak - Website Manager
Each class has usually three parent representatives, who act as a contact point for the committee and as social co-ordinators for their class. Our representatives arrange class social events and are the class co-ordinators for many events where parental help is needed, be it running stalls at the Christmas Bazaar and Summer Fete, organising cake sales and other fundraising and community building activities.
The PTFA committee and class reps meets twice a term and there is an AGM in October each year. All parents are most welcome to attend these meetings.
The PTFA has its own website which keeps the school community up to date with all news and events