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Dress Code


Parents & Carers are asked to send their children suitably dressed in suitable clothing, which is clearly marked with the child’s name. This does not include sports team kits of professional teams.  Unsuitable footwear, in particular, can be a cause of accidents.


Trainers, shorts and t-shirts are needed for PE lessons and swimming costumes for swimming. All children are required to wear a standard PE kit comprising of a white Honeywell t-shirt and a pair of navy blue shorts. Tracksuit trousers may be worn for medical or religious reasons.  These are available to purchase through There is also a voluntary outdoor PE kit comprising of a Honeywell tracksuit and a Honeywell rain jacket. These items are also available to order from the Supersport website.


A “voluntary “House PE top complete with a House emblem was made available and this is also available to purchase through  This sports shirt was designed by the pupils and parents and proved incredibly popular with 95%+ of the children wearing their “House” shirt for Sports Day.


Specific religious jewellery may be worn after direct consultation with the Head Teacher, providing it does not pose a Health and Safety risk to the wearer or other members of the school community.


We hope that parents will support the schools in this initiative and ensure that their children will come dressed to school in the correct and appropriate manner.

We must stress that we would not send any child home for wearing the wrong clothes but we may ask them to change (we have a supply of t- shirts) and we would contact the parents to ask them not to provide these items of clothing again.



Yours truly,

Jo Clarke & Jane Neal


Unsuitable Clothing/Items



Sport Teams shirts, shorts, socks



Shirts/Tops with ‘amusing’ remarks






Temporary Tattoos

Unsightly and Inappropriate


All jewellery except stud earrings and watches

Health & Safety risk


Flip Flops/crocs/open healed sandals

Unsafe when running


Single strap tops or dresses

Inappropriate and hazardous when sunny

