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Governors' Communications

🌳 Introduction


Governors recognise the value of engaging with the whole school community as a key strength of Honeywell’s special ethos, and we are committed to regular communication with parents, carers and other stakeholders throughout the year. Some of the ways we provide information to and engage with the Honeywell community include: 


  • Visiting the schools regularly throughout the year to speak to pupils and staff and to conduct learning walks and monitoring visits which can be subject specific or cover wider areas such as wellbeing or equality, diversity and inclusion
  • Attending PTFA class reps meetings to engage with the parent/carer community and give an opportunity for questions to be asked of us
  • Publishing annual Strategic Plans for each school clearly identifying priorities for the current academic year.
  • Publishing an annual Governors' Impact Statement covering all areas of the Committees’ and Link Governors’ work
  • Ensuring publication of key statutory items such as the SEND Policy and Information Report, Pupil Premium Grant review and strategy and Sports Premium plans

Members of the Honeywell community are encouraged to contact Governors via the school office if there is a governance matter they would like to raise. We welcome positive feedback as well as constructive suggestions for improvement. Please remember, queries relating to day-to-day school operations should be addressed to your child’s class teacher in the first instance. If contacted about an operational matter, governors may refer the matter back to school. 



🌳 Strategic Plans 


Please follow this link to read the current academic year’s strategic priorities for the Junior School

Click here


Please follow this link to read the current academic year’s strategic priorities for the Infant School 

Click here



🌳 Newsletters 


Please follow the link to find the latest newsletters for each school, where you can scroll through to the Governor section to read updates and news.
