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SEND Policy & Report

Wandsworth's Ordinarily Available Provision (OAP) Expectations for all School settings

Honeywell is a fully inclusive school and endeavours to ensure that all pupils thrive both academically and socially.  We have a dedicated SEND team who are passionate in ensuring that children with additional needs are able to strive to achieve the best of their ability and equip them to deal with real life experiences.

The information here on the website (SEN Policy and SEN Information Report) will give you an overview of how we can support you and your child, if you have a child with additional needs.

Please do not hesitate to get in contact with us via email to arrange a convenient time.  We also hold regular drop in meetings every Wednesday between 3 - 3.30pm.


Honeywell Infant School - Kathryn Jessett

Honeywell Junior School - Ms Katie Thomson


Mission Statement

At Honeywell all children are valued and respected within our happy, welcoming community. We set high expectations for all our children. Honeywell Schools are committed to enabling each child reach his/her full potential. All children have access to a broad and balanced curriculum. We provide an atmosphere, which is happy and secure, which stimulates and motivates all children to develop a love of learning. The ethos of the school encourages the growth of confidence, self-discipline and respect for all members of the school and the wider community.

Intent for Inclusion

At Honeywell we ensure that everyone is treated with respect and dignity. Each child in our schools is given fair and equal opportunities to develop their full potential regardless of their gender, ethnicity, cultural and religious background, sexuality, disability or special educational needs and ability.

We aim to give every child the opportunity to experience success in their learning by providing a relevant and challenging curriculum and we set high expectations for all our children. We achieve these aims by:

  1. Having high expectations of all pupils and providing them with high quality learning experiences.
  2. Identifying and closely monitoring pupils who have SEND.
  3. Providing effective provision to suit the pupils’ needs.
  4. Working in partnership with parents.
  5. Liaising with outside agencies.
  6. Monitoring and reviewing the effectiveness of the provision and using this information for future planning and provision.

Types of Provision:

  • The class teacher will plan your child’s learning activities to suit their individual needs, using differentiation.
  • Additional support in class to enable access to the curriculum and accelerate learning.
  • Specific intervention programmes.
  • Specialised equipment and resources to enable access and boost progress.
  • SEND Support Records which will show you the support your child is getting, who is providing it and how often. It will also be a record of your child’s targets in specific areas and the progress they are making. These provision documents are updated at each half term (October, February and May). Your child’s class teacher and the SENDCOs will ask for input from both you and your child.

